Here is the lot of yarn that I dyed this summer. Some of it is from dyes from my garden and kitchen, marigold, dyers coreopsis, yellow dock, black walnut and onion skins. The other dyes I bought at the Fiber Craft Studio, madder and cutch. I am taking Waldorf Handwork teacher training program through the Fiber Craft Studio which is part of the Threefold Community in Spring Valley New York! I am going for my winter session on February 2oth!! I am excited for a break and to be enriched by so much beauty, joy and appreciation!!!
I just spent about an hour at the Circle of Yarns here in Klamath Falls winding all these beautiful skeins into balls. Victoria the owner graciously let me use her ball winder!!! Thank you Victoria! I am thinking that some of this yarn will turn into baby clothing of some sort for our little one to be!!!
I am really loving looking at the colors of summer shinning through on this winter day. Plant dyed colors really speak to me with their richness and truth of nature.