Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Knitted Horse!!

I recently made two horses like this one. I used Sprout yarn by Classic Elite Yarns. It is 100% organic cotton!! And oh so soft! I enjoyed knitting with, it has a nice kink to it and made a lovely color for a horse. It reminded me of my horse Scooter that I used to ride in high school. So now I have a toy for my baby and Milo has one to play with too! Happy Birthday Milo! (very late, not that you really know:)

My other knitting project in process is a sweater for our baby. I am a bit stuck on it, mentally but hope to make at least a little progress tonight at craft night with the ladies. It is a simple pattern and a sweet sweater, I have never made anything like it, maybe that is why I am hesitating, I don't want to fail... not sure. At the same time I know I can do it and I know that I can get help if I get stuck on the pattern. The joys of being a Libra


Teaching Handwork said...

soooo sweet!
How are you feeling? a friend just told me she is preggy today...I felt the need to get pregnant too....But when I IM ed her hubby he stopped talking to me....Like he was mad....OOOOPS! maybe it is not a final decision on their part.

woolladyfelter said...

Lovely horse.
I think names are so hard - they mean so much and then so very little. Hmmmm Good luck with your decision.