Monday, March 30, 2009

Grandma's and their babies!


I'm finally home and back at it after ten days away!! Brandon and I actually had a vacation together this spring! we had a sweet time visiting friends and family!! We had a tour de bebe!!! from Aurora to Seattle!!! It was great to see everyone and to have some many great connections. It was eye opening to see all these different babies, families and parenting styles, gave us a lot to think about!!!
Spring Break started with a bang this year!!! I got together with friends and family for a baby shower for our baby!!! Sofie and Milo came from Califronai and John (my brother), Jill and Emelina came from Vancouver BC!!! So Sofie's mom (Betsy) and my mom (Patti) were mom's at the same time now they have grandbabies at the same time. It was pretty cool to see them together!!!
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